Rainbow from our backyard

Monday, February 21, 2011

Busy Week

Wow...its been a busy week.   My littlest went to spend time with Mimi and Papa and we had a slumber party for my oldest daughter.

She had the best theme for her party!  She chose Hollywood.  We had a Red Carpet, and I made Walk of Fame place mats, and we decorated autograph books.  I bought her cake because I did not have time to make one but they took a 10 inch round cake and made it look like a old movie reel.  We played a guess who game using famous people that their age level would know.   It was a lot of fun.

So needless to say I did not get any crocheting done this weekend.  But I did by an afghan crochet hook.... now I just need to find patterns to use it with.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My First Entry....

Hi,  My name is Mandi and I am a mom of 2 wonderful girls, and a wife to a wonderful man.  I work full-time as a medical claims examiner and work part-time at the YMCA.  I am VERY busy.  We also have a beautiful and very energetic 3 year old chocolate lab/ German wirehair mix.

I guess what I want this blog to be about is mainly my crafts and crocheting.   I have been crocheting since I was 5 when my Great-Grandmother taught me how to chain.  I remember having these long chains that I would take around the house.  

I truly love to crochet. It keeps me sane.  It is my way to relieve stress and take my mind of things.  It is also a way that I volunteer.  I love to make blankets for Project Linus.

Right now my current projects are hats and scarves.  We live in Wisconsin so there is definitely a need for those.  I love to find patterns on the web and then adjust them and tweak them into my own creations.  I have never tried to write down a pattern but I probably should.  Maybe this Blog will give me a reason to.  I am a member of Ravelry.com my member name on there is jimbeamgirl73. So feel free to friend me on there. I picked the name Horseshoe Hats because I am considering using that as my business name if I decide to start a side business for my crocheted creations...it is being copyrighted.   I picked that name because my husband's nickname is horse (it has to do with our last name)  and horseshoes bring luck, and everyone should have a lucky hat!  I started crocheting hats because my daughter's friend was diagnosed with Leukemia this past fall and I wanted to make her some hats since she would be going through chemo.

Beamer and her best buddy Trinity wearing a hat I made her.
 Well I guess that is all for now.  Will write more later or tomorrow....  Mandi